Members of the Letchworth Residents Union (duplicate of LBM3061).
Brief description
Sepia photograph showing the members of the Residents Union posed, presumably in Howard Hall, in front of the banner. The members have been identified: Gentlemen, left to right: Mr Edward Docker, Reverend Jenner, Mr R W Tabor, Mr Edgar Wing and the Ladies: Miss Bullock, Miss Edith Bates, Miss M E Nicholson, Miss Hayward, Mrs Macfadyen (sen).
Object name
Production date
Content object
Content activity
group portrait
Curator's comments
Mary Esther Nicholson first became interested in the Garden City Movement after reading Ebenezer Howard’s book ‘To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform’ and moved to Letchworth from Hampstead in 1906. Nicholson founded and was the first president of the Letchworth Residents’ Union, which was effectively the local branch of the Garden Cities Association. In that role she did much to welcome, and help newcomers to the town to settle in. In addition she was also one of the founders of the Letchworth Guild of Help and supported the hospital in the town. This was specifically focused on the Letchworth Branch of the British Red Cross during WW1. She passed away in 1938.
Associated persons
Docker, Edward
Jenner, Reverend
Tabor, Mr R W
Wing, Edgar
Bullock, Miss K G
Bates, Miss Edith
Nicholson, Miss Mary Esther
Hayward, Miss
Macfayden, E Mrs
Jenner, Reverend
Tabor, Mr R W
Wing, Edgar
Bullock, Miss K G
Bates, Miss Edith
Nicholson, Miss Mary Esther
Hayward, Miss
Macfayden, E Mrs
Associated organisations
Residents' Union